
We will not talk about all the dazzling technical items about WMI Provider Host. We are here just to solve the high CPU usage issue on Windows 10 caused by it. For someone who is curious but not interested to dig into, I have to tell you that it is a part of Windows that runs in the background to allow other applications on your computer to request information about your system.

To fix this issue, we list top 4 solutions for you. You can go through them one by one until the WMI Provider Host high CPU usage is settled.

Solution 1 Check up your PC

Download and run Neptune SystemCare Ultimate/Premier to scan and fix the problems that really cause high CPU usage. Then within a few seconds you see if the usage by the process WmiPrvSE drops. If not, try Solution 2.

Solution 2 Restart Windows Management Instrumentation Service (wmiprvse.exe)
1. Open Run box by pressing Win+R on the keyboard at the same time. Type services.msc in the box and press Enter.

2. Scroll down the list to find Windows Management Instrumentation Service, right-click on it and choose Restart. Wait and see if this solution addresses the problem.

Solution 3 Run System Maintenance Troubleshooter

1. Open Run box like Solution 

2. Type msdt.exe -id MaintenanceDiagnostic in the box and press enter.

This tool will help you adjust settings to improve your computer’s operating system speed and performance.

3. When the process above finishes, you need to boot into safe mood with networking. To boot Windows 10 into safe mode: press Shift and click on Restart; choose the safe mode you prefer under Advanced Startup Options. Then try to troubleshoot, identify the problematic process manually. Once your wok is done, set the system to start normally. Ideally, the issue caused by WMI Provider Host could be solved with the steps above. If not, move to next solution.

Solution 4 Use Event Viewer

1. Press Win+X to open the menu and select Event Viewer.

2. Click on View menu and choose Show Analytic and Debug Logs.

3. On the left pane, follow: Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > WMI Activity > Operational log. Note down the items listed as Error.

4. Open Task Manager by Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click on the option. Go to Services tab. Find the process with the matching process ID in Event Viewer in PID column. This is the process that is causing WMI to use excessive CPU. Then you can stop or uninstall the error services that you used to be scared to remove.