When you try to open a program or a certain video, you experience errors like msvcp110.dll missing, then you can follow the steps below to fix the problem.

Solution 1 Install MSVCP110.DLL File 

Before you download and install msvcp.dll file, you should check your recycle bin and system folder to make sure no msvcp110.dll file exists on your computer. If you get it, then you have no reason to download and install a new one.

-> Click here and download the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package.

-> Install the downloaded file.

-> Restart your computer.

Solution 2 Run an SFC scan

If msvcp100.dll file is missing, that could be due to file corruption. Performing a System File Checker could simply solve the problem.

->Press Win+X to open the menu and then choose Command Prompt (Admin).

->When command prompt window opens, type sfc/scannow on the command line and press Enter.

Solution 3 Remove/update Skype

Some users reported that Skype could cause the issue, too. If you experience msvcp100.dll file missing on your Windows 10, you could try to uninstall your Skype and install an updated version after.