How to protect your privacy online without using a VPN
By Renee | 16/Jan/2025
When you are frustrated about the protection of your online privacy, you may hear that a VPN can help you with that from a friend. How does it work?
In case you try to read a lot about that, a VPN is a private, controlled network that connects you to the internet at large. That means it disguises your IP and encrypts information you send online, which even guards you against your internet service provider. It just sounds perfect. However, the truth is, now the VPN gets your internet traffic and browsing history, instead of your internet service provider. So who would guarantee that the VPN would not sell your private information for a higher price?
Therefore, to protect your privacy online, you need to employ the methods followed to uproot the crux.
Visit Websites using HTTPs only
The s after http ensures that the websites you access and what you do on it is encrypted, even your internet service provider just learns which domain you are on. For example, if you are visiting Google+, your internet service provider would only you are on Google+ and not what collections or communities you are visiting. So next time, before entering payment details into any website, check the web address has an s – which stands for secure – after the http.
Use Multiple Password
You would better have more than one password for online accounts or – if it's cracked – thieves will be able to gain access to all your private data at once. The password is the first wall to protect your privacy online.
If you have downloaded Neptune SystemCare Ultimate, use the password generator in the app and note the password down safely.
Invest in a Privacy Protector
If you are too busy to clear your browser data including cache, cookies, search history and so on, erase your recent document history, look through your local disk for potential privacy online risks and the leftover plug-ins and junk of the uninstalled programs, you need a Privacy Protector. Often it would cost a lot. Like Neptune SystemCare Ultimate, except for protecting your privacy online, it optimizes system performance and tunes up Windows running by registry clean, hard disk defrag and more. And it only cost $3 per month for 3 Windows PC. Bang for your buck!
So, you do not have to spend 30 bucks at least on VPN to protect your privacy online, regular rules mentioned above can help you with that!