A registry cleaner also could make a mistake and deletes the wrong key, which could make your Windows operating system dysfunction and random crashes. Moreover, some of them could even contain malware.

Despite all this, Registry cleaning tools can help fix problems like error messages, system crashes and slow startup process by invalid or misplaced entries and deleting them. Using the best Windows registry cleaner is the easiest way to help avoid these common problems. The trick is knowing how to use them carefully and safely.

In this tutorial, you will get something for how to selectively search for, analyze and delete the junk entries. And importantly, you can also learn how to reverse back to the good condition if the problems are not solved or worse.

1. Install Registry Cleaner

At first, install the Registry Cleaner app for Windows.

(In fact, a lot of registry cleaners will not work alone—they are usually bundled with other tools and those are the ones that improve your performance. They are made to save space and improve efficiency, unless you are a fan of lines of app icons on the desktop.)

You will install a binary file first, then double-click and accept the agreement it to install. Once done, hit Finish.

2. Create a System Restore Point

You have to do this because anything wrong could happen when you modify the Windows registry.

-> On the top of the interface, you can see a list of buttons. The second button is for creating a restore point, and the third one is for recovering from the restored version.

->Wait a moment when creating the system restore point. You can also use your computer during the process.

->If the problem is not solved and it seems like to be worse, which does not always happen, you can click the third button, choose the good condition and recover.

3. Perform the Scan

->Go to System Cleaner and then Registry Cleaner, Click on green Scan button.

4. Results overview

Do not be panic over the hundreds or even thousands of the problems you see. Most of them will not hurt your computer stability if not being removed. The results divide these into their parent categories.

5. More Digs

You could find out more details about the errors by expanding the main categories. If you are sure of the correct ones and do not feel like being scanned over and over again, you can right-click on it and choose to Select Safe Entries.

6. Select and Clean

By default, all problems are selected – clicking Clean to remove them all. You can always choose Recommended below and then clean.

With tips above and best registry cleaner for Windows system, you should now be able to safely remove Registry entries on your Windows computer.