How to uninstall a program on Mac
By Susie | 13/Dec/2024
Uninstalling Mac programs is a bit different to the process on a Windows PC. When you try to remove or uninstall a program on Mac, it seems much easier than Windows — dragging a program icon to the trash or clicking the ‘Move to trash’ in a context menu. However, cluttered support files and other hidden files remain on your Mac could take up disk space and slow down the computer. Just like the tricky invalid registry entries left on Windows after you uninstall the program, some programs create files and hide in your Mac’s hard drive, and it takes some time to find them.
Let’s learn how to uninstall a program on Mac properly, which takes easy steps to help leave more space on your Mac and hence speed it up.
In most cases
Applications like iTunes or Quicken, which are known as built-in applications on Mac, could be uninstalled as follows, because they are actually bundles of many files all packaged together.
1. Exit all applications.
2. Open Finder>Application folder.
3. Drag the application you want to uninstall to the trash.
4. Empty the trash. (Please make sure there's nothing you would want to restore in the future.)
For other programs
Except for following the steps above, to completely uninstall “non-Mac-bundled” programs, you should delete the app’s preferences from your Library folder. Finding Library folder take some detective time, but it is quite easy once if know the technique.
1. Open Finder, right-click on Application folder and choose Show in Enclosing Folder.
2. Then you should remove all the remains of the deleted programs from your Mac. They could be spread in the following folders. Take Evernote for example (will reinstall it back on my Mac after). You should follow the order to click the dropdown menu to go to the right folders.
-> Macintosh HD/Users/ Library/Application Support/Evernote
-> Macintosh HD/Users/ Library/Caches/com.Evernote
-> Macintosh HD/Users/ Library/Preferences/com.Evernote.plist
-> Macintosh HD/Users/ Library/Logs/Evernote
If you do not find any remains related to the program, then it is good to go.
To uninstall a program on Mac, there are a few more important tips:
1. Before you begin any uninstalling program, go check and make sure your trash contains nothing you might want to save, which I have emphasized in the paragraph above.
2. Log on as your Mac's administrator whenever you uninstall, or you do not have the administrator privileges.
3. You could leave the preference files in Library files in case you would reinstall the program.
4. When you install a program, read the uninstall part and see how to uninstall it, just in case that it has its own uninstall utility or instructions.
5. There are some other guides that might tell you how to remove Kernel Extensions. Kernel Extensions are inevitable for correcting operation of your system. But, do not remove or delete any items unless you have the ability to redo changes made by booting from a second Macintosh or restoring changes made to the first hard drive.