How to Upgrade to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8 for free
By Renee | 06/Feb/2025
Mainstream support for Windows 8 will be coming to an end in a few years. So now it’s the last minute to upgrade your Windows 8 and to enjoy better user experience. If you’re using Windows 8, upgrading to Windows 8.1 is both easy and free. If you’re using another operating system (Windows 7, Windows XP, OS X), you need to purchase a boxed version of Windows 8.1 ($120 for normal, $200 for Windows 8.1 Pro). To download and install Windows 8.1 for free, follow the guide below.
Note: This tutorial will walk you through the entire process of updating your copy of Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, which takes about 30 to 45 minutes.
Step 1 Prepare your Windows 8 system
First of all, you need to make sure:
1. At least 20% of the space on your primary drive is free;
2. Your PC has all recent Windows updates. Windows Update issues are relatively common. You won't want to find yourself dealing with a problem caused by a tiny security update pushed two months ago. If you do not know how to do this, follow the steps below.
-> Click Settings on the Charms menu> Change PC settings.
-> Select Windows Update. In next page, click the Check for updates now button to see if there are any new files.
-> Force any updates to install immediately by clicking on the We'll install . . . automatically link then click Install button.
3. Restart you PC.
Step 2 Open the Windows Store app
To get started upgrading Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, open Store from the Start screen or the Apps screen.
Step 3 Click the Update to Windows 8.1 button
If you don't see this button on the screen, check for updates again, close and reopen the Windows Store or reboot your machine.
Step 4 Click the Download button to confirm
You may have to wait 30 minutes or more for the install to download, but you can keep using your computer during this time.
Step 5 Click Restart Now when prompted. Wait While Things Are Getting Ready
Step 6 Accept the Windows 8.1 License Terms
Step 7 Click Use Express Settings at the bottom of the screen
You can also choose custom settings, but we find the Express settings work well for most users.
Step 8 Sign in to Windows like normal
Step 9 Accept SkyDrive Settings
After you accept the SkyDrive Settings, just wait for a moment. Some last minute things are being done behind the scenes to get Windows 8.1 set up.
Now the update from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 is now complete! To have a better Windows 8.1 experience, use Neptune SystemCare Ultimate. It is a tuneup utility that cleans and fixes registry errors and invalid entries to make Windows PC more stable; deletes junk files and fixes the problems to optimize and improve your PC performance; identify and stop malicious apps and processes, strengthening system security and online surfing safety. Sure it can improve your Windows 8.1 smooth experience.